Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Fresh Food Diet Rapidly Reduces Bisphenol-A Content Of Your Body

fresh veggies photo
Fresh veggies. Image credit:Flickr, brendahallowes' photostream
The Natural Resources Defense Council has some good news - a fast way to drastically cut the Bisphenol-A (BPA) content of your body is to eat fresh, eat at home. No cans needed, thanks very much. "...researchers delivered to the families freshly prepared meals made from organic grains, vegetables and meats for three days. All foods were stored in glass or stainless-steel containers and the families were instructed not to microwave in plastic. The participants were given stainless-steel water bottles and the children took their lunch to school in stainless-steel containers."
Then look what happened...
Article continues: A Fresh Food Diet Rapidly Reduces Bisphenol-A Content Of Your Body

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