Monday, May 9, 2011

Further Proof Religion Is Bullshit

It is the image that has come to define a pivotal point in history, capturing the moment the deadly raid on Osama Bin Laden's lair was watched in awe by the White House elite.
But it appears for one U.S. newspaper, a couple of the people sat with President Barack Obama in the Situation Room that day were not quite elite enough.
Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper Der Zeitung printed a story this week with a subtly manipulated version of the historic image - all the men in the photograph remain untouched but the two women in the picture have been Photoshopped out.
no women
The Der Zeitung newspaper could find itself in serious trouble with authorities because of the way it censored the Situation Room photograph. The White House released the image along with a fierce disclaimer stating that the 'photograph may not be manipulated in any way.'

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