Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Iran to disconnect from the internet

<a href=http://www.zgeek.com/content.php/7674-Iran-to-disconnect-from-the-internet.-Also-taking-it-s-bat-and-ball.>Iran to disconnect from the internet. Also taking it's bat and ball.</a>

Iran may soon take Internet censorship to a level so ridiculous one can’t help but laugh. Unfortunately, it’s not a joke. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Middle Eastern country will disconnect its citizens from the Internet we all know and love, and replace it with its own nationally-run Internet, which would, of course, be tightly restricted.

The project, initiated by the country’s communications ministry, is part of the repressive Iranian government’s plans to limit exposure of Western cultures and ideas — something pulling the plug on the Internet would do in a massive way. According to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatolla Ali Khamenei, this plan is part of the country’s “soft war” on the West, and will help further instill Islamic moral values on Iran’s people.

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