Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Island jumps back to future

Samoa Will Skip A Day

This could cause all sorts of problems: Samoa to jump forward in time by one day.
The South Pacific island nation of Samoa is to jump forward in time by one day in order to boost its economy.
Samoa will do this by switching to the west side of the international date line, which it says will make it easier for it to do business with Australia and New Zealand.
At present, Samoa is 21 hours behind Sydney. From 29 December it will be three hours ahead.
samoa idl
The country can't make up its mind:
The change comes 119 years after Samoa moved in the opposite direction. Then, it transferred to the east side of the international date line in an effort to aid trade with the US and Europe.
Travelers can celebrate holidays twice in the same day when tiny Samoa swaps datelines. 

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