Friday, May 6, 2011

Just when you thought the repugicans couldn't stoop any lower

Every time you think they could not stoop any lower! They manage it ...
Now the repugicans are complaining about Obama taking a 'victory lap at ground zero.' This is the same party that moved their party convention to New York City so that they could use Ground Zero as a backdrop. And the shrub is the guy who put on a military uniform to prance around on an aircraft carrier and declare "mission accomplished" eight years before Bin Laden was nailed.
The reason Obama went to Ground Zero is simple and obvious: He was reminding the world of what OBL did, that he murdered thousands of civilians.

Waiting till the tenth anniversary of 9/11 would not have had the same effect. Going to the Pentagon would have obscured the message that OBL and his followers murdered civilians.

OBL's death does not mean the end of Al Qaeda, but it could lead to their former allies abandoning them. The main sticking point in the negotiations attempting to end the Afghan war is that the US will not accept any Taleban involvement unless they renounce Al Qaeda.

That is rather easier for them to do now that OBL is dead. I note that many people who know better are talking down Zawahiri's role in Al Qaeda, I suspect that is part of a strategy. The Taleban may even be willing to sell out Al Zawahiri (if they are able to) if that will get the US out of the country.
Remember what I always say: repugicans accuse everyone else of what they do. Which has a number of benefits [for them that is], including: 1) It deflects attention away from what they're doing; 2) It scares others away from ever doing what they're doing, and reaping the same benefits.

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