Friday, May 20, 2011

More repugican chicanery

repugican legislative aide works on punitive voter ID bill, boasts of illegally voting in another district

A repugican legislative aide votes in her home district even though she lives in Madison full time.
She also forced her mother to sign a false affidavit claiming that she had been living back at home for two months.

This from a party that JUST TODAY passed a heinously restrictive voter ID bill, using (you guessed it) voter fraud as their excuse.
Petryk, Malszycki's boss, is one of several co-sponsors of the controversial voter ID bill that passed the Senate Thursday. In a post on Facebook the day of the 2010 general election, Malszycki said she had voted for repugican candidates Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Dan Kapanke, Mike Huebsch and J.B. Van Hollen and planned to return to her South Side neighborhood the next day.
Former Dane County Sup. Patrick DePula challenged Malszycki's right to vote in Onalaska on her Facebook page then posted the exchange on his blog last month. A Madison man read the blog and filed a complaint.

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