Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Scent of Pot and Some Noise Enough to Allow Warrantless Search

Another bad decision from the Clown Court:

There might be a rush on air freshener, or air filters, after this: the Supreme Court has ruled that, under certain conditions, the scent of marijuana is sufficient to allow law enforcement, sans a warrant, to enter a residence and search.
This is a horrid decision. While this won't ever be a problem here as there has never nor will there ever be the 'scent of pot' wafting from this locale - the stuff reeks and we have no use for the junk. It tramples on the rights of this nation citizens once again ... and all the trampling that is occurring will provoke a backlash and said backlash will be at least twice as vicious as the trampling ever was - it is how it is and how it has been since man became sentient.

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