Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sitting Down All Day

Is Really Bad For You

No doubt you knew that already, but since so many of us do sit for eight+ hours a day (I do, and I have no excuse… I have a stand-up desk at work), I thought these cool infographics were a good reminder. A few more of the stats you’ll find on the full graphic: Obese people sit for 2.5 hours a day more than thin people, walking burns 3-5 times the calories sitting does and people with sitting jobs have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease as people with standing jobs.
I think it’s awesome that these retro-cool graphics were created by Medical Billing and Coding – it’s nice to see people being innovative with design and typeface even in industries that don’t necessarily require it. Now quit reading this and go do a lap around your office building.

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