Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring Cleaning

How to Tell if you Need to Do Some Spring Cleaning

1. Do you make panic runs to the garbage can for fear that someone has thrown away something "important"?
2. Could you feed a family of four for more than two weeks from supplies found inside your sofa?
3. Have you put off purchasing a refrigerator until you can find a self-cleaning model?
4. Have you written to Dow to ask how you can get your Janitor in a Drum out?
5. When you hear the phrase "cleanliness is next to…" do you fill in the blank with "impossible"?
6. Do you own more than 5 sets of keys you had made when the current set was "missing in action"?
7. Is there something growing inside your refrigerator that puts your houseplants to shame?
8. Have you ever put off a diet because you lost the book?
9. Do you put off redecorating the den because you haven't seen the floor in so long that you've forgotten what color the carpeting is?
10. Do you know laundry can reproduce in a hamper?
11. Do you have at least three bags of "stuff to sort later" stashed somewhere in the house?
12. Have you ever lost something in your bedroom, like the bed?
13. When visitors suggest that they'll throw their coats on the bed, do you offer to set up a cot in the hall?
14. Does your storage system consist of 30 boxes marked "miscellaneous"?
15. Have you ever gone to put up the holiday decorations, only to discover that you hadn't taken them down from last year?

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