Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stupidest Man In The World Found

He's in New York: Ex subway worker sinks $140,000 life savings into campaign advertising the end of the world.
fitzpatrick A retired MTA employee has pumped his $140,000 life savings into an ad campaign warning that the world will end on May 21.
Robert Fitzpatrick, a follower of the notorious California Evangalist Harold Camping, has posted his Doomsday message on 1,000 subway car placards and at bus shelters throughout New York city.
The foreboding advert reads: 'Global Earthquake! The Greatest Ever - Judgement Day: May 21,' above a night time Jerusalem skyline and a clock ticking towards midnight.
Speaking to the New York Daily News, 60-year-old Mr Fitzpatrick said:'I'm trying to warn people about what's coming.
He said: 'It'll start just before midnight, Jerusalem time: It'll be instantaneous and global.

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