Sunday, May 8, 2011

Taliban launches major attack

There will be many more and no matter how many troops we have on the ground, it's not going to end because US troops are there. It's the longest war the US has ever fought. There is no clear end in sight and no obvious goal for the US military other than fighting for the sake of fighting. If the Taliban wants Kandahar, go for it, but get the US troops back home and shift those billions back to the US where it's desperately needed and required.

The Observer:
The Taliban launched an unprecedented, multi-pronged attack on Kandahar, with commanders claiming they aimed to "take control of the city".

The assault by gunmen and suicide bombers on at least five targets in the southern city began at midday and, according to insurgents who talked to the Observer by phone during the fighting, involved hundreds of attackers.

The sustained attack on government buildings wounded at least 24 people and created chaos in the capital of a province NATO has spent the past year trying to secure.

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