Sunday, May 15, 2011

Texas moves to ban TSA "groping"

As long as it includes the rent-a-TSA (that repugicans love so much) this is good. It's still a mystery why repugicans think that rent-a-TSA solves the TSA problems, because it doesn't since they still follow the same procedures as the TSA.

Transportation Security Administration agents could be charged with a misdemeanor crime, face a $4,000 fine and one year in jail under the measure.

The proposal would classify any airport inspection that "touches the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person including through the clothing, or touches the other person in a manner that would be offensive to a reasonable person" as an offense of sexual harassment under official oppression.

For once Texas is looking like it is going to do the right thing - but keep in mind it is the repugicans that are pushing this so watch for it to be fucked up royally.
Not that the Texas Democrats aren't for this as well ... if only they're allowed to make a law that makes sense (see sentence above - the last half in particular).

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