Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Al Qaeda spokesman tells terrorists to use NRA-favored gun show loophole to kill Americans

Kind of embarrassing being on the same side as Al Qaeda. Don't you think?

Via ThinkProgress, we hear from American-born al-Qaeda spokesmen Adam Yahiye Gadahn. He recommends would-be terrorists get weapons to attack Americans via the so-called gunshow loophole:
America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?
More from ThinkProgress:
So it seems like it might be a pretty responsible and relevant idea to force individuals to go through a background check at gun shows and to prevent those on the terrorist watch list from purchasing firearms.

However, there are powerful people in this country that don’t want that to happen. The National Rifle Association is opposed to eliminating the gun show loophole. And, referring to the terror gap, an NRA spokesperson said recently that “it’s wrong to arbitrarily deny a law-abiding person a constitutional right.”

And don't even try to say the NRA whack-jobs aren't gun nuts. Why if they made it a wee bit harder for a terrorist to get a gun how in the world would all the white supremacists, nazis, KKK'ers, John Bircher's etc., get their guns for their domestic terrorism?!

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