Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bikers Foil Westboro baptist cult’s Obama Joplin Protest

300 of them
harleys and flags
When the Westboro baptist Cult tried to roll into Joplin, Missouri to protest President Obama, they were met by hundreds of patriotic bikers.

This is a great story. Truth Wins Out has a first hand account of what happened when the Westboro baptist cult tried to protest President Obama’s appearance in Joplin, Missouri yesterday,
We all heard the Westboro idiots were coming to protest! And so did about three hundred bikers!! The bikers all showed up and parked across the street from the University where Obama held a ceremony for the many good people, friends and family we lost!! The only report of any Westboro people actually being there was one guy strolling through all the bikers, when they found out who he was it got ugly for him real quick his shirt got torn off and he was pushed around pretty good! When the police saw what was about to happen they grabbed him and tried to push the bikers back!! Then they told the guy “run you stupid mother fucker.”
(Thanks to Politicus reader, Lisa Knappe) we have video:

'Run you stupid, motherfucker' about sums it up.

The Westboro baptist cult is infamous for their protests at fallen soldiers’ funerals, and their desecration of the American flag, all in the name of gay hate. If there is anyone in America who deserves a good ass kicking it is Fred Phelps and religion camouflaged hate group.

The SPLC describes the Westboro baptist cult as, “Westboro baptist cult (WBC) is arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America. The group is basically a family-based cult of personality built around its patriarch, Fred Phelps. Typified by its slogan, “God Hates Fags,” WBC is known for its harsh anti-gay beliefs and the crude signs its members carry at their frequent protests. WBC’s theology is “Primitive Baptist,” a doctrine that holds that God chooses a few elect humans to save, but will send everybody else to hell.”

Bikers are tough and many are also very patriotic. These 300 bikers were not about to let WBC ruin the Joplin memorial. Once some bikers and truckers got word that Westboro baptist was coming into town, they converged in Joplin yesterday, and pinned down the hate cult until the memorial was over.
The last thing the people of Joplin needed was the WBC, and some great Americans made sure that Joplin got their moment of mourning and healing.
Patriotism doesn’t have a look, race, gender, or partisan affiliation, and the story out of Joplin proves once again that you should never judge a book by its cover.
When the people of Joplin needed help, 300 bikers were there. In my mind anyone who challenges the hate of WBC qualifies as a patriot.

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