Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cavewomen were the first explorers

Ancient hominid males were stay at home dads while females roamed
The males of two bipedal hominid species that roamed the South African savannah more than a million years ago were stay-at-home kind of guys when compared to the gadabout gals.

Another take on this story:

 Origin of wanderlust explained.
Over two million years ago women roamed the earth, not men. New findings published in the journal, Nature, suggest that "pre-human" females had the travel bug, uprooting from their birth homes in order to hunt for mates.

The findings are based on several teeth that date back to our pre-historic ancestors. The differences in . mineral variation between the male and female teeth have paleontologists believing that women were charged with leaving the nest, while the men stayed behind holding down the fort.

The evolutionary explanation is fairly unromantic: women were trying to avoid incestuous inbreeding by hunting for non-relatives to mate with. Eat, Pray, Love, it wasn't. But the idea that women left home in search of their future isn't so far from what we do today.

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