Saturday, June 11, 2011

"From Dirt to Shirt in Less Than 700 Miles"

 Cotton of the Carolinas Creates Green, Localized Economy

When folks go on about how the market is so efficient, it's hard not to point to the folly of a system that has us growing cotton in the United States, shipping it to China or other far-flung regions, having it manufactured into clothing products abroad, and then shipped back for our consumption. That's not efficient -- it's borderline stupid. Cotton of the Carolinas, an impressive coalition of manufacturers, cotton growers, and conscientious businessfolk, recognizes this absurdity. It has set aboutcreating a gloriously localized business agenda: Cotton is grown, made into clothing, and sold, all within a radius of a few hundred miles. The net impact? It's this:
Article continues: "From Dirt to Shirt in Less Than 700 Miles": Cotton of the Carolinas Creates Green, Localized Economy (Video)

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