Monday, June 27, 2011

Koala Bears Need Endangered Legislation Now

koala bear videos photo
Photo: Rennett Stowe/Creative Commons
Koala bears aren't officially considered endangered Australia -- state legislation lists the species as "threatened," "rare," or even "thriving" (in Victoria) -- but this marsupial is facing a bigger fight than ever before to sustain its populations. Sexually transmitted diseases, habit loss, human interaction, and climate change are all working against them.
Last month, the Australian Koala Foundation proposed listing the marsupials as an endangered species, and now business owners and landowners in Australia must decide if the koalas are worth saving.
We hope these 10 videos --- which go behind the scenes of the koala's daily life in zoos, rescue centers, and in-the-wild -- help with the persuasion.
Koala Bears Need Endangered Legislation Now: 10 Adorable Reasons to Save Them video slideshow
Article continues: Koala Bears Need Endangered Legislation Now: 10 Adorable Reasons to Save Them (Video Slideshow)

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