Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lunatic Fringe

Wingnuts shocked that Thatcher won’t see Palin


Any sane person wouldn't either.

Suffering from advanced dementia, the family still finds it would be belittling for her to be a prop in the Palin freak show. And who can blame them?
Lush Dimbulb, the hate radio spewer, devoted the opening section of his radio show to denouncing the "preposterous" Guardian report, as Palin supporters accused Thatcher's circle of disgracing the former prime minister.

The wingnust reacted furiously after the Guardian reported that Thatcher's aides had decided it would be inappropriate for her to meet Palin, who is planning to visit London next month en route to Sudan. Palin has been touring US historical sites (an excursion that saw her slip up this week on the subject of Paul Revere, the American patriot who made a famous "midnight ride" to warn of approaching British forces).

One Thatcher ally told the Guardian: "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

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