Saturday, June 18, 2011

New E. coli outbreak hits Europe

This time it's France and cheap burgers.
Health authorities in France have ordered a recall of beefburgers sold by the supermarket chain Lidl after seven children became infected with E coli bacteria, though officials ruled out a link between those infections and the deadly outbreak centered on Germany that has killed 39 people.

Daniel Lenoir, head of the health agency in France's Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, said: "We are certain it's not the same bacterial strain that was identified on sprouts in Germany." .

Lenoir said the seven children were in hospital with infections stemming from E coli, which causes vomiting and severe, often bloody, diarrhea. He added that five of the children had eaten frozen ground beef patties that were made in a French factory and sold by the German supermarket chain Lidl.

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