Sunday, June 26, 2011

Repugicans pull out of budget talks over taxes for the richest of the rich

This is ridiculous but hey, this is the modern repugican party.
Their only purpose is to say no to everything, especially when it might impact the wealthiest Americans.
The repugicans ought to change their name to the "Screw the middle class party" and show some honesty in advertising.
The repugicans are already on the ropes with their Medicare-killing plan but the Democrats need to keep going and make it clear to the public that the repugicans don't care at all about the budget nor do they care about the survival of the middle class.
Democrats, Van Hollen said, had offered repugicans “a menu of options” on how to reform the tax code to achieve the desired target of $4 trillion in savings over the next 10 to 12 years, but that none of those choices were palatable to the repugicans.

On that so-called “menu” of revenue options were oil subsidies, corporate jet taxes and “phasing out” of deductions and tax preferences for Americans who make more than $500,000, which Van Hollen said was “along the lines” of last winter’s bipartisan deficit commission recommendations.

“What we’ve seen on the repugican side, overall, is all take and no give. Any serious approach requires compromise and that’s going to be required to achieve the adult moment Speaker Boehner called for,” Van Hollen said. “Until the repugicans are more worried about reducing the deficit than they are about Grover Norquist, then we’ve got a problem.”

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