Monday, June 20, 2011

US money missing from Iraq may be closer to $18 billion

Not to worry though. Just because our infrastructure is crumbling at home and unemployment is high, we really couldn't use that money anyway. It's much better to flush it down the toilet in Iraq.

Al Jazeera:
Osama al-Najai, the Iraqi parliament speaker, has told Al Jazeera that the amount of Iraqi money unaccounted for by the US is $18.7bn - three times more than the reported $6.6bn.

Just before departing for a visit to the US, al-Najai said that he has received a report this week based on information from US and Iraqi auditors that the amount of money withdrawn from a fund from Iraqi oil proceeds, but unaccounted for, is much more than the $6.6bn reported missing last week.

"There is a lot of money missing during the first American administration of Iraqi money in the first year of occupation.

"Iraq's development fund has lost around $18bn of Iraqi money in these operations - their location is unknown. Also missing are the documents of expenditure.
Instead of worrying about a tweeted penis, maybe we ought to focus a bit more on the wars that are killing the US economy. No?

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