Monday, June 27, 2011

When Judges Attack

Question: Did Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Prosser Physically Attack A Fellow Court Member?
david_prosser An investigation by Wisconsin Public Radio and The Wisconsin Center For Investigative Journalism has uncovered three ‘knowledgeable sources’ who allege that Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck during an argument in her chambers last week.
According to the investigations, Justice Prosser and Justice Bradley were having an argument in her office at some point before the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s release of their controversial collective bargaining rights decision last week (it remains unclear as to when the alleged argument precisely took place). At a point, the sources reveal that Justice Bradley asked Prosser to leave her office – whereupon the allegations state that Prosser grabbed Bradley around the neck with both hands.
The report also suggests that there were other Justices present when the reported altercation took place.
Apparently, he has a bit of a problem controlling his temper. His Wikipedia article has a subsection titled Altercations with other justices.

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