Friday, July 22, 2011

Are the repugicans the dog that caught the car?

The ongoing moves in the debt ceiling struggle are fascinating.

I think you are underestimating Obama's tactical ability here. I know you are disappointed on other policy grounds, the only reason I am not is that I didn't think he was as progressive as you did in the first place so I didn't expect as much.

The repugicans are idiots, they have manufactured a crisis here and they are the ones who are unable to move. Boehner has no chance of getting enough repugican votes to pass any increase in the debt ceiling on any terms whatsoever.

There are only two plausible ways out at this point: Boehner passes a bill with the help of House Democrats, almost certainly the clean bill they proposed earlier or the House fails to pass anything and the President invokes extraordinary measures like selling off the contents of Fort Knox.

Obama gave the repugicans enough rope to hang themselves and they did.

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