Sunday, July 10, 2011

Batshit Crazy Bachmann

Michele 'Batshit Crazy' Bachmann Salutes the Upside to Slavery

Michele Bachmann's Family Values, circa 1861. Say what you will about slavery, at least the 'peculiar institution' kept Black families intact. 
That’s according to a “marriage pledge” signed recently by the repugican presidential joke Michele 'Batshit Crazy' Bachmann. Bachmann’s grasp of American history has never been firm, particularly when it comes to slavery.
Michele 'Batshit Crazy' Bachmann: The John Wayne of political lies
Whether making the round of Sunday morning talk shows, giving the tea party response to President Obama's State of the Union address, or announcing her own presidential candidacy, Michele 'Batshit Crazy' Bachmann does one thing consistently - lie.

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