Monday, July 11, 2011

The Daily Drift

The Daily Drift
Today's horoscope says:
You are very insightful right now, and your front door is a likely stop along the way for people who are looking for answers.
You'll be quite in demand today, by folks who simply want to compare notes and by folks who need major life help.
Yet the tone of your day will not be filled with hopelessness, crisis or sadness.
It will be all about connecting with other people.
There will be a lot of laughter and bonding.
Realize that life is a crazy ride.

Some of our readers today have been in:
 Florence, Toscana, Italy
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Izmir, Izmir, Turkey
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
London, England, United Kingdom
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia

as well as Slovakia, Malta, Bulgaria, Israel, Finland, Austria, Norway, Georgia, Mexico, Peru, Kuwait, Serbia, Bangladesh, Latvia, Greece, Scotland, Hong Kong, Denmark, Wales, Iran, Singapore, Poland, Taiwan, Sweden, Afghanistan, Belgium, Tibet, Croatia, Pakistan, Romania, Paraguay, Sudan, Vietnam, Argentina, Cambodia, Egypt, France, Estonia, Puerto Rico, Maldives, Qatar, Brazil, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Slovenia, China, Iraq, Ecuador, Nigeria, Colombia, Chile, Honduras, Paupa New Guinea, Moldova, Venezuela, Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Norway, Finland

and in cities across the United States such as Cambridge, Stuart, Lexington, Monroe and more.

Today is:
Today is Monday, July 11, the 192nd day of 2011.
There are 173 days left in the year.

Today's unusual holiday or celebration is:
International Town Criers Day.

Don't forget to visit our sister blog!

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