Friday, July 8, 2011

Dentist's cleaning lady removed terrified girl's healthy tooth

A dentist's cleaning lady who put on a white coat and yanked out a terrified schoolgirl's tooth with pliers is facing five years in jail in Tula, Russia.

Nikita Shanina, 45, claimed she was a locum dentist when the 10-year-old girl arrived with her mother at the surgery. But after strapping the youngster into the chair, Shanina yanked out a healthy tooth while the girl screamed in agony.

She was saved from more pain when her mother burst into the treatment room and challenged the cleaner, say police who have confiscated CCTV footage from the surgery.

"The child was in a lot of distress and pain. The suspect had no medical training whatsoever. Luckily the real dentist has CCTV in the treatment room so we know exactly what went on," said one officer.

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