Monday, July 25, 2011

Female robbers use skirts to steal wine

Skirts are not the typical accessory for a crime, but two female suspects in Pembroke Park, Fla. used their flowing garbs to make off with hundreds of dollars worth of fine wine.

The Broward Sheriff's Office released video of the suspects in action. One of the women acts as a lookout while the other one goes into action.

"One of them took it out, put it on the shelf, looked back to the clerk, saw he wasn't looking. She grabbed it, put it up her skirt. She must have had something stuck in her skirt, because it went real easy," described store owner Paul Mouts.

The ladies got away with about $400 worth of wine. This isn't the first time this store has been targeted. Last October, a group of women came in and robbed the place using a similar method.

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