Monday, July 4, 2011

Free Market Takes That Incandescent Bulb And Shoves It (Aside)

light bulb photo
"A light bulb in black and white." Image credit:Flickr, PlastAnka
Democrats and their anti-green Republican foils are far too late to control the market for incandescent light. Both the law to help slowly phase out the incandescent bulb or the recent lobbying effort by Republican cow-tippers and pundits to repeal that law matter little, as the free market demands increased energy efficiency in commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings - residential will follow. With electricity prices projected to rise even more, and building managers and owners wanting to reduce the cost impact of frequent bulb replacement as well, the old-fashioned incandescent bulb is destined mainly to burn on only over Rush Limbaugh's studio mic. On to efficiency battle ground state.
Article continues: Free Market Takes That Incandescent Bulb And Shoves It (Aside)

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