Friday, July 22, 2011

Ghost Town From 1974

The population of the city of Nicosia dropped everything and evacuated the war torn zone. Now 37 years later these photos have emerged of the city in its current state. See full gallery at the link.
In 1974, the Cypriot capital of Nicosia was divided in two by a U.N. Buffer Zone designed to quell violence between the island’s Greek and Turkish populations. Those living in the Zone quickly evacuated the area, creating an urban time capsule that’s been devoid of residents for nearly 40 years.
These photos were taken by Welsh Army photographer Sergeant Ian Forsyth, who is part of the UN peacekeeping force that overseas the 134-square-mile Zone. According to those who patrol this eerie area, it’s as if the past 37 years had never happened.

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