Saturday, July 16, 2011

Head of Brazil's Environmental Protection Agency Says It Is Not His Job to Protect the Environment

From the "Someone clearly does not understand his job" Department:
amazon in fog photo  
As the President of Brazil's environmental protection agency IBAMA, which oversees regulationion in the world's largest rainforest, Curt Trennepohl has a very important position -- the only problem is, he says that protecting the environment isn't part of it. In an interview with Australia's "60 Minutes", when asked if his job was to guard the environment from destructive projects, Trennepohl replied: "No, my job is to minimize the impacts." And as if that were not controversial enough, the IBAMA chief then suggested that indigenous tribes which stand in the way of progress should be dealt with harshly.
Article continues: Head of Brazil's Environmental Protection Agency Says It Is Not His Job to Protect the Environment

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