Tuesday, July 12, 2011

He's baaaaaaaaack!

(and the wingnuts are shitting bricks!)
Alan Grayson, the congressman with spinal fortitude, is back...and he's running for congress.
I’m inI’m running for congress.

I’m running because I promised Charlaina and Rick that I would.   Charlaina called me a few weeks ago, from the hospital.  she told me that her husband, Rick, was suffering from multiple organ failure – lungs, kidneys and liver.

Rick was 56 years old.  that’s three years older than me.

Rick was a veteran.   but the veterans administration wasn’t covering his hospital bills.

Rick had had a bad liver  since he was 30, when he contracted hepatitis.  No insurance company would go  near him.

Every day Rick survived, his  family owed several thousand dollars more to hospitals and doctors.  And  they had no way to pay it.

I told Charlaina how sorry I was.  And I told her that I wasn’t in congress anymore, so I wasn’t sure how I could help.

She said: “You can run again.”

You are the only person who ever cared about people like us.  Rick wants people in congress who can’t be  bought and sold.  Rick wants you to run again.”

A dying man wants me to run  for congress.  What exactly could I say?

I promised that I would run.

Rick died on June 30, 2011,  at 5:55 p.m.

I’m keeping my promise.   I’m in.
Now, when we have more people with cajones like Mr. Grayson in congress we will get what needs to be done, done!

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