Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's a Blond World

A blond left her car out in a hail storm. When the storm was over, she checked her car and discovered it was covered with hundreds of small dents. Having no insurance and very little money, she went to the local garage and asked the mechanic how she might fix the problem herself.
The mechanic told her that if she blew real hard, directly into the tailpipe, most of the dents would disappear within a few minutes.
Armed with this free advice, she drove home, parked her car and proceeded to blow into the tailpipe with all her might.
Another blond just happened to be jogging by and stopped to ask what she was doing.
Gasping for air, the first blonde explained that she was blowing into the tailpipe to remove the dents.
Surveying the situation, the second blond responded, “Duuhhhhhh! That’s not going to work. You gotta roll up all your windows first.”

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