Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monkey Takes Photos

We ran this story yesterday but here are some details and monkey took photos:

In Indonesia: Shutter-happy monkey turns photographer.
Photographer David Slater, 46, was visiting the park when he decided to try to get close to the animals. He teamed up with a local guide and over three days got to know the creatures. "I walked with them for about three days in a row," said Slater. "They befriended us and showed absolutely no aggression – they were just interested in the things I was carrying," he said.
"They aren't known for being particularly clever like chimps, just inquisitive. Despite probably never having any contact with humans before, they didn't seem to feel threatened by our presence."
Slater said the photoshoot that resulted in these pictures took place after he set up a camera on a tripod. He left the equipment for a few moments and when he returned one of the creatures was, well, monkeying around with it.
Monkey takes photo
Proving everybody's a ham! Self portraits ...
A man's idle camera becomes more than a toy for one enterprising animal.

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