Sunday, July 31, 2011

Murdoch’s staff at NY Post told to "preserve and maintain" info. on phone hacking

Well, well, well:
News Corp. has told staffers at its New York Post tabloid to "preserve and maintain" any information related to phone hacking or government payoffs in exchange for scoops.

The memo comes in response to an ongoing probe in Britain about phone hacking done by News Corp.'s now-shuttered News of the World tabloid. That paper was found to have hacked into the voice mail messages of celebrities, members of the Royal Family and even victims of crime and terrorism.

"All New York Post employees have been asked to do this in light of what has gone on in London at News of the World, and not because any recipient has done anything improper or unlawful," said the paper's Editor Col Allen in a memo to his staff.

Is the same memo being sent to FAUX News?

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