Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A new Dinosaur?

Two fossil hunting brothers from Kansas think they've found something new while digging in Montana.

Utah paleontologist Jim Kirkland has examined photos of the fossil that Robert Detrich and his brother, Alan  are uncovering and thinks it's a new kind of ankylosaur.

The low-slung heavily armored type of dinosaur lived around 65 million years ago.
Kirkland says the fossil was probably about 30 feet long, making it twice as big as a typical ankylosaur.

If the dinosaur does prove to be something new, Robert Detrich says he and his brother would like to call it "enormasaurus."

The brothers have been digging since May in a fossil rich area near the town of Jordan.

They've uncovered the fossil's skull, part of its leg and some vertebrae.

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