Ms. Thornton-Joe said after the men popped a lolly in their mouths, their nasty energy all but dissolved. “They got calmer after taking the lollipops,” she said. “It had an immediate effect.” [...]
The sucker punch works for several reasons, she said. First, it’s difficult to yell while sucking a lollipop.
Altercations happen due to verbal exchanges, but with a sucker in the mouth, there’s less talk, which results in fewer fights.
The lollipop’s sugar hit calms those who’ve drank too much, she said. And the lolly’s pacifier effect can’t be denied.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Police Start Giving Angry Drunk People Lollipops to Calm Them Down
The city of Victoria, British Columbia, is taking a new approach to handling drunken, out-of-control revelers causing trouble in public places. The police hand such people lollipops. Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe explained why it works:
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