Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert and James Murdoch testifying before Parliament, face "uncertain future"

The media baron and his son will appear before parliament in the wake of the growing scandal. 

Big day in London. Rupert Murdoch just started testifying before Parliament in the News Corp. phone hacking scandal. He's there with his son, James. Testimony is being heard before The Commons culture, media and sport committee.

The Guardian is liveblogging the hearings in Parliament. CNN and MSNBC will provide live coverage of Murdoch's testimony. Watch MSNBC here. Looks like even FAUX viewers will be seeing it. No doubt, that gang will be in overdrive to defend their master.

Meanwhile, a headline at the Washington Post informs us, Scandal creates uncertain future for Murdochs:
As revelations have tumbled forth, British newspapers and American commentators have speculated that James could be the next News Corp. executive to be forced out.

“My personal estimation is that the end result of this is that someone not named Murdoch will become CEO of News Corp.,” Michael Wolff, Rupert Murdoch’s biographer, said in an interview.

The inquiry revolves around the classic scandal questions: What did James and his father know, and when did they know it? As the chairman of News Corp.’s British media operations, James may have a role more direct and germane than that of his 80-year-old father. He took over an operation that was already beset by allegations of widespread phone hacking and has said that the problem was the work of a single, misbehaving reporter.
This just keeps getting better.

No doubt, Rupert, James and Rebekah will be very well rehearsed as they express faux contrition.
UPDATE @ 10:15 AM ET: In case you are wondering, Rupert Murdoch is not responsible for this mess. He just said so. The question from MP Jim Sheridan was: "Mr. Murdoch, do you accept that ultimately you are responsible for this whole fiasco?" The answer from Murdoch was "No."

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