Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Secret Service Investigates Faux News Twitter Hacking

ABC News' Mary Bruce Reports: The Secret Service is stepping in to investigate the recent hacking of Faux News' political twitter account after messages were posted claiming President Obama had been assassinated.
Three Things:

1. This isn't news ... any 'threat' to the POTUS is going to be looked into by the Secret Service.
2. This was Faux News's account that was hacked (or said to have been hacked), but knowing the maniacal ideologue lunatics at Faux News - said hacking was likely an inside job.
3. This was supposed to show the incompetence and stupidity of Faux News? It did not serve it's purpose - they have no need of assistance to show how incompetent and stupid they are, they do a masterful job of it all by themselves.

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