Sunday, July 3, 2011

Someone put some graffiti on a wall.

And the 'Dear Leader' - insane little turd that he is - has a cow ... puts students to hard labor.

Apparently foreign students or those working on degrees in (probably) spying, kidnapping Japanese citizens or figuring out why it’s so damn dark in Pyongyang at night are exempt if they graduate in the next few months.

But part of the motivation may come from fears of student revolution. Last week someone put a piece of graffito on the wall of a Pyongyang College which called the Dear Leader “a dictator who starved people to death."

For North Korea, this is more or less the equivalent of setting the White House on fire with a Molotov. Pyongyang was locked down (more than usual) for three days in a vain search for the culprit.

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