Sunday, July 3, 2011

There's a dead body in the pool ...

 ... and nobody noticed ...
In Massachusetts: People swam around dead body for days
A preliminary investigation shows "murky and cloudy" water in a public swimming pool helped conceal the body of a drowned Haitian woman for two days while people swam there, authorities said.
The Bristol County district attorney's office said the body of Marie Joseph was submerged at the bottom of the 3.6-meter deep end of the pool, in Fall River, Massachusetts, from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday night.
Joseph, 36, was a hotel housekeeper in Newport, Rhode Island. She was from Haiti and had five children. Her body was discovered after it floated to the surface shortly before some youngsters sneaked into the pool for a clandestine swim on Tuesday night.
The probe shows the water in the pool was murky from the time the pool opened for the season last Saturday. Visibility tests conducted on Wednesday revealed a diver couldn't be seen at a depth of up to 1.2 meters below the surface of the water.

Further proof that people are too self obsessed - another of the curses Ronny Raygun inflicted on this nation.
More on this story here.

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