Friday, July 8, 2011

Working America asks: "Have you ever had a really bad boss?"

Almost everyone who has worked has had a bad boss. D.C. is rife with stories about bad bosses. Really bad, egotistical, annoying bosses. I've had my share.
Working America is having a contest to name the worst of the worst:
Have you ever had a really bad boss?

We all have! That’s why we started the Bad Boss contest, where you can share stories about your worst Bad Boss experience—and have the chance to win some great prizes.
You can enter your story here. There are already lots of examples. There are some real nasty bosses out there. And, this demonstrates the need for workplace protections, which is a goal of Working America.

AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka and Family Values At Work Director Ellen Bravo are going to start announcing semi-finalists on Thursday. The big prize winner/loser will be announced on August 2nd.

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