Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bachmann Crazy?

Question: Did Newsweek choose Michele Bachmann cover photo to make her ‘look crazy’?
Of course they did. Good move, Newsweek.
But they needn't have she is batshit crazy and has no trouble looking so on her own- as people who know her will attest the picture on the cover is her 'normal' look - a look the says 'I am insane' to any that see it.
We really don't need another insane extreme wingnut in this country much less another one running it.

The folks over at Crooks and Liars had this to say:

Don't say you weren't warned. I said then and I say now - Michele Bachmann is no laughing matter. Her surge in Iowa may not be a flash in the pan and every time I hear her say, "...When I am elected President" - I reach for the Pepto. Still, the fact remains she's captivating Iowa right now. If you thought Sarah Palin was bad, just wait for Bachmann.
While she is no laughing matter - she is a joke ... a sick, perverted one but a joke nonetheless.

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