Friday, August 26, 2011

Clique Warfare

Projection is of course the dominant mode of thought amongst the repugicans. Deep down they understand what they are and rather than go mad with guilt they project that knowledge onto their opponents.
So when the repugicans are accusing progressives of 'class warfare' what they are really thinking about is the massive diversion of resources from the poor and middle class to the wealthiest of the wealthy that is at the core of modern repugican policy.

What the repugicans are really about is preserving and furthering the interests of a tiny narrow clique made up of their family, friends and major investor-donors. The repugicans are engaged in clique warfare, not class warfare. The base of the repugican party is thus the clique whose interest the party serves plus the much wider group of people who live vicariously through them plus whatever rubes it can motivate through hate and fear mongering.

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