Monday, August 29, 2011

Graffiti for Grandmas

Who says that street art has to be for young punks? A graffiti course in Germany is teaching the art of spraying to an unlikely segment of the population ... senior citizens!
Alison Kilian of Spiegel Online explains:
Often grey-haired or bespectacled, with some participants as old as 80, they don't exactly fit the profile of rebellious youth commonly associated with graffiti culture. And for most of them, it's their first time wielding a spray can.
"Many older people regard graffiti as vandalism," says Stephanie Hanna, a Berlin-based artist who has organized several graffiti workshops for older people. "But that is changing as people start to see that it has artistic value." Indeed, in recent years graffiti and street art have enjoyed growing prestige. Works by the elusive British street artist Banksy now change hands for hundreds of thousands of pounds.

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