Monday, August 8, 2011

How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Climate Denier & An Environmentalist?

mr pico photo 
'Pico of the Caribbean' sez: "go read about me mate, or I'll unbuckle your swash." 
Image credit: Russ George. 

Short answer: there is little difference between the thought patterns of deniers & environmentalists.
Most of us don't have the time or expertise to maintain a current, in-depth understanding of science and public policy issues. Instead, a values test is imposed when novel or contradictory information is encountered.
Values test script: Does this new information match my belief system? If it does not, the information is seen as wrong or 'biased.' If it does match, however, it is seen as 'good' or accurate.
The power and ubiquity of the values filter - a way of thinking employed by all non-experts - makes it easy to spread doubt about climate science and also explains why so many environmentalists are dead-set against anything that can be labeled 'geo-engineering,' for example.
Speaking of geo-engineering, presented below are two new marine science news items that will try the values of even the most die hard anti-corporate, climate action campaigner.
Article continues: How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Climate Denier & An Environmentalist?

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