Thursday, August 18, 2011

It’s a record-breaking Congress

It's really, really hard to get 84% of Americans to agree on anything. But, Boehner, Cantor and the teabaggers have managed it.

From Gallup:
Americans' evaluation of the job Congress is doing is the worst Gallup has ever measured, with 13% approving, tying the all-time low measured in December 2010. Disapproval of Congress is at 84%, a percentage point higher than last December's previous high rating.
Congress approval full trend.gif
These results are based on an Aug. 11-14 Gallup poll, which includes the first update on Congress' job approval rating since the government reached agreement on a deal to raise the debt ceiling after contentious and protracted negotiations between President Obama and congressional leaders. Standard & Poor's subsequently downgraded the United States' credit rating, in part citing the current political environment in Washington. That sparked a week of intense volatility in the stock market, with days of sharp losses and large gains.
Great work! Now, this just has to translate into shifting control of the House back to the Democrats in 2012.

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