Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lawyer brains

A man is passing a butcher’s shop and sees a sign: Special Offer - Brains

Cow brains————-a cent a pound
Sheep brains———-3 dollars a pound
Pig brains————-3 dollars a pound
Doctor brains———50 dollars a pound
Engineer brains——50 dollars pound
Programmer brains—50 dollars a pound
Lawyer brains———1000 dollars a pound
So and he goes into the shop and says to the butcher “Excuse me, I couldn’t help noticing your sign - I suppose the cow brains are so much cheaper than the other brains because of the Mad Cow Disease scare.”
“That’s right” says the butcher.
“And,” continues the man, “I suppose the lawyer brains are so much more expensive than the other brains because they’re such high quality.”
“Not at all,” says the butcher “do you know how many lawyers you gotta kill to get a pound of brain?”

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