Friday, August 12, 2011

Michele 'Bat Shit Crazy' Bachman is worried that the Renaissance really screwed things up

From the LA Times:
It's the Renaissance, stupid.

The economy is not what ails us today. No, what ails Americans is what Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and their artistic spawn have wrought in the culture, starting 500 years ago. The Renaissance has dragged us all down.

The tea party queen and repugican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.
Yes, America was a happier place in the Dark Ages.
This bitch is scary!

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