Thursday, August 4, 2011

President 'Tar Baby'

Colorado repugican Doug Lamborn called President Obama a "tar baby."

"Now I don't want to even have to be associated with him," Lamborn said, when asked if the president would be to blame for the debt crisis. "It is like touching a tar baby and you get it—you're stuck, and you're part of the problem now."

He later apologized and said he meant to use the word "quagmire."
Yeah, sure you did.
Tell you what - why don't you stop all the pretense and just call him what you really want to ... 'nigger'.
We all know your 'code words' anyway and what you're trying to say so just say it and be done with it.

However, you should know that a 'nigger' is defined as a lazy, shiftless, person of no account, and the President has not proven himself to be such a person (albeit, he could strive to do better like we all could).
Note that the hue of the skin of the person to which the appellation 'nigger' is properly applied is not within the definition of the term, whereas quite a few of those bandying about the term erroneously do fit the term's definition quite well.

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