Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're hiring ... In China!

These U.S. companies are creating thousands of new jobs in China, as they spread their products to the country's growing middle class. 

Coke currently employs more than 48,000 people in China, and three new factories opening this year are expected to create another 940 jobs. As China's middle class has grown, the world's largest beverage maker has been along for the ride. In 1998, the average Chinese consumer drank only eight Coke products a year. Now, they drink more than 30.

In April, Disney broke ground on the $4.4 billion project, which is bound to create thousands of jobs through the construction phase alone.

Procter & Gamble now employs about 8,000 people in China and is adding more. An active member of the U.S. China Business Council, P&G's CEO Robert McDonald often points out that growth overseas actually supports American jobs.

Caterpillar announced earlier this month that it plans to build a new factory in Xuzhou. Once it's fully operational, the factory will employ about 400 people.

Merck -- known as Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD overseas -- already employs about 5,000 people in the country, the bulk of which are sales representatives stationed in more than 120 cities.

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